“Terms and Conditions not working”
“Terms and Conditions not pulling through the correct data”
“Terms and Conditions blanking employee data”
Ciphr HR
If Terms and Conditions aren’t working as expected, you are unable to locate the terms and conditions or terms and conditions is changing data you were not expecting to be changed, please follow the below steps to troubleshoot and rectify the issue.
Job and Pay Check:
Navigate to Personal Data > Job, Pay & Reward Information > Job and Pay > Select the employees current Job and Pay record. You should be presented with the “Job Details” form which includes Terms and Conditions:
Select the Terms and Conditions you would like to assign from the drop down and a blue right arrow button will appear:
From this menu, you have the power to control which details pull through from the Terms and Conditions to the employee’s record:
Please note, that if the slider is selected, an overnight process will run to copy details from the Terms and Conditions to the employee’s record.
If you are not able to see the Terms and Conditions you wish to select from this dropdown, make a note of the “Multi Entity” assigned to this Job and Pay record (located in the bottom left of the above screenshot) and navigate to System > System Administration > Code Tables > Job and Pay – Terms and Conditions > search for the Terms and Conditions currently missing from the Job and Pay area and select the “Multi Entity” button and select the entity the employee is assigned to and Update
Terms and Conditions Code Table:
Navigate to System > System Administration > Code Tables > Job and Pay - Terms and Conditions. From this menu, Insert and review existing Terms and Conditions. If your company does use the Terms and Conditions functionality, we recommend filling in as many fields as possible from this area to ensure all employee data is correct and up to date.
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